
CJ's RR Complete!/Last Finish of 2008

Monday night I started to stitch on CJ's RR. After getting home from work last night, and settling in to stitch. I was looking at the pattern and the difficultly to stitch.

I was chatting with Vickie at the time, and I told her.. this RR is going to be done and in the mail tomorrow. I got to a point last night, and stayed up till 3am, and stitched away on it.

This morning I was chimmed at 9:30am, to get a cup of coffee for MIL. I sat up and visited awhile, and shortly later I was stitching away.

I was done and finished with the stitching on CJ's RR.

So, the details - Robin, from The Prairie Schooler - Prairie Birds (Book No. 24) stitched with DMC, on 14ct.

So this will be the last finish of 2008! Amazing!


Natalie's quilt

Jeez Louise!

I was going thru my camera and found a picture of Natalie's quilt that I made for her and gave her last week when we had Christmas with my family.

She opened her present, and I'm like... "wait I forgot to take a picture of it". So here it is.

The girls weren't excited about getting the quilt.. but I figured as it wasn't a toy. But I'm sure once they get their twin beds, they will think of me :).. LOL

This was the 1 of the 2 quilts I made in a span of a few weeks. They were a blast to make! The pattern is Yellow Brick Road from Atkinson Designs.

You can see Kaylee's Quilt here.

Garden Inspiration Table Quilt

I got a steal of some charm packs on eBay a couple weeksago. I as soon as I got them in the mail I made up this little table quilt. I think its so darn cute!

What I did was cute the square in half, sewed two different fabrics together. Then I cut them again in half. And then arranged them in to this layout.

It was so quick and easy to make. I actually was working on sewing the binding together the day of MIL's fall. And I had started the project at 11am that morning, and got the call about 3:15. Well with everything going on, I brought it along last weekend to work on the hand sewing of the binding. Well guess what! I ran out of thread..LOL I was able to finish it up Christmas Eve.

This is going to be gifted to a coworker.

Teresa's RR finished

The mailing deadline has passed, and with all that is going on.. I really needed to get the stitching on Teresa's RR so I can send it on to the next person.

Well last night about 7pm, I started on the stitching. I had to help MIL get ready for bed, and once she was settled, I got to stitch and chat some with Vickie. Brian fell asleep about 10:30. I got all the branches and the pine boughs stitched and I was in bed around 12:45am.

I shouldn't have stayed up that late. I was woken up by the chiming of the door bell @ 4am. Meant MIL needed something. Come to find out, FIL had been pestering her since 2am to get up, and get started with the day. I found them in the living room. It was an all out verbal fight, and I even got in on it. LOL I told Brian, if FIL swung @ MIL or myself, would he defend us. He said he would, but he would have to be careful he didn't do any damage.

It was after 5am, and Brian told me to go to bed, as I hadn't slept much before then. I woke up around 8am to use the bathroom, and everyone was back in bed. I was chimed again at 9:30 to make something to eat for MIL.

I went back to stitching once I got everything settled. Around noon today I had a finish!! I think that this finish was a quick stitch, despite all that is going on in my world.

So, the details - Cardinal, from The Prairie Schooler - Prairie Birds (Book No. 24) stitched with DMC, on 16ct.

After I finished up the stitching, Brian and I took off for grocery shopping so Brian has food to prepare for his parents. We took our time, but our relief help was eager to get going when we got home.

If you are keeping count... tonight will be night 14 we have spent away from our bed. I'm sure it will be about Jan 5 before we get to stay a night at home.. unless someone in the family steps up and offers to spend the night for us. But ain't happen yet!


Models for Glory Bee are released!!

Im so behind in reading blogs, and message boards, and I thought I would take a break and check out the 123 MB. Seen that Nancy from Glory Bee was asking if anyone has seen the new designs from Glory Bee at their LNS.

So I found the two models I stitched for her.. all looking spiffy in their new frames, and for sale.

Besty Ross - the model I stitched

Quaker Alphabet - the model I stitched

So please stop by Glory Bee Stitch to look at the other models. Thanks to looking!!


Christmas 2008

This past weekend, Brian & I went down state for the weekend to spend the weekend with my family. And since I have to work December 24, 25, & the 26th, we celebrated Christmas early this year.

Saturday, we were able to get on our way after getting someone to parent sit for us. We were on the road and headed south. Once we got to my sister's house, I left Brian there so he could catch up on some sleep, and I took the girls and we went to finish up my Christmas shopping. They were really good for me, I couldn't believe it! Saturday night, Brian and I watched Nat and Kaylee while their parents went out. We worked on something special for their Mom, and then wrapped some presents. We even watched "Horton Hears a Who!"

Sunday - we all slept in till 10:30am. The weather was awful! Blowin like crazy and a temp of -4 and the windchill was unbearable. We headed off to get our supplies for Kaylee's 3rd bday party (she turned 3 on the 19th). The party started at 3pm, there was a nice turnout, despite the weather. After we had the party and my brother's arrived, we had our family Christmas. We exchanged gifts amongst the adults, and we had presents for the kids. After we were thru with presents, my parents treated us all for dinner at The Viking. It was a great time, I love spending time with all my family at once!

We have a tradition, of taking a picture of the kids in front of the Christmas tree... my have they grown since last year!!

On the way home we were singing Christmas songs, and looking for Christmas lights (and deer). It was a great way to end the evening.

On Monday, I headed over to YDS, which is a quilt store. I found a couple panels I liked and I'm looking forward to making something out of them. In the afternoon, we took Natalie to Preschool, and Brian, Amy, & Kaylee met my parents for lunch. After, we went shopping for a GPS. One trip around the parking lot with my parents GPS, I was begging Brian to go back in, and purchase one for ourselves.

Monday evening was spent watching TV (watched Wall-E - I fell asleep watching it..LOL) , watched the Packers lose. My sister made lasagna, and we had a quiet evening.

Today, we left my sister's at 11:30am, stopped by my parents to show them a few things I had discovered on the GPS, and we went for lunch. On the way home, we stopped at Hobby Lobby, so I could get some pellet stuff for a little something I wanna try. The roads home were terrible. We saw 3 cars in the ditch, and heard of several more along the way, on the radio.

We got home about 5pm, and got unloaded, and guess what.. I'm typing this post from my inlaws again. This will be the 9th night we have not slept in our bed (or in the same bed for that matter, since the inlaws have twin beds for use to sleep in, and we were on the couch or love seat at my sisters..LOL)

So, all in all.. I wanna do over of the weekend!


Looking forward to the weekend

Even though I live like 60 strides from home, I haven't slept in my bed since Sunday night. Yep, still at the inlaws taking care of MIL. I have really enjoyed taking care of her.. but then I have been going to work for the past couple of days too. Brian has been doing most of the helping care for his mom (and really his dad too).

Tomorrow morning we are leaving to travel down state to spend the weekend with my family. We had already had this planned out for some time, and we feel as though we need a break too. We do have someone coming to stay, and look after them.

MIL is doing well. Is getting around the house better.


"Uncle Brian" a drawing by Natalie

I had texted my sister to tell her something, and she called me back to talk. As we were on the phone with my sister, and we were talking away - and she tells me that Natalie (my 5 yr old niece) was drawing a picture, and my sister mentioned it looked like Uncle Brian.

My sister told me that she would send me the picture of the drawing Natalie had done... this is it.

We received it via email, about busted a gut laughing. I showed it to Uncle Brian, and he said that he needed a body and more muscles. So I texted her back and told her that it was OMG IS THAT CUTE!! Brian asked for some muscles next time!!

This is what came several minutes later .... this time with help from Mom of course.

Thanks Amy and Natalie for the laughs tonight!! We sure needed them for all that has been going on lately!

MIL Update

As I type this from the kitchen table of the inlaws... thank goodness for wireless internet, from our house!

I just finished up the dishes from the supper I made. I love playing Betty Homemaker, helping and caring for people. Now I know what you people feel like when you are surviving on 3 hrs of sleep, and your agenda keeps flying past you.

Well, we are home. As in *we* - MIL is home. We left about 12:45 this afternoon, stopped and picked up my BIL & SIL.. and off to the hospital we went.

We got MIL in my Explorer, and back to home we came. I went home to take some groceries home (like we really needed any, as we are staying here for a few days, and leaving this weekend for my parents). But I came back and made us Spaghetti. I even made a plate for FIL as he is a picky eater, and he returned his plate to me all clean. (I was expecting him not to eat it, as MIL didn't prepare it for him.. big pat on the back for me!)

Well I'm going to finish up this post, and probably go and work on a little something I started yesterday, and hoped to have finished..... but something interrupted that finish.

Thanks to the ones that left a comment and the emails. Its wonderful to know that people care!

On the ride back, the guys were even asking MIL what she has planned for next year, as this is her 3rd breakage in the past 3 years.

If It Ain't Mine, It's His...

It all started with a phone call Brian made yesterday. He called his Mom to let her know that he was coming over to salt the step and driveway. He was then informed that she had fallen on the ice, and she hurt her ankle.

Brian went next door to find out how bad it was. Alittle later on, Brian came home asking me for the Ace bandage wrap. I said, well if its that bad, I better go check myself. I'm not a nurse, but having twisted my ankle several times in my life, I could make sure that everything was ok.

Found my MIL sitting in the chair with her foot propped up. Looking at it, her ankle was very swollen. I said that she needed ice, but I was told that her other son was going to bring some, but he had to wait alittle as he had to put it in the freeze. I just went to her freezer and pulled out a bag of chocolate chips and covered her ankle.

We were hem hawing about what to do. It was to the point where she was going to wait till tomorrow to go to the DR. And I said, I think you really should go today to get it checked out. That way if you have to get up during the night, you might fall and break something additional.

It got to the point I was in tears, and had to leave. I told Brian that I was sick of waiting for everyone else's opinions. And that she needed to go now. Just get an xray to find out what is going on.

My FIL has real bad dementia. My MIL is like his comfort blanket. He gets himself worked up so much, that she needs to be with him 24/7. (Read on.. read what happens) So FIL was telling MIL, oh, its not that bad. You can walk on it tomorrow. MIL asked FIL to get a pair of underwear out of the dresser in the bedroom, so she could change. I heard the request and watched FIL come back with a long sleeved white dress shirt, that is where I took over.

I was VERY proud of Brian. He stepped up and told both his parents that he was getting sick of this situation, and that Mom was going to the hospital with Kim to find out what is going on. Brian stayed with his dad, while I took MIL to the hospital.

We got seen, xrays taken. Guess what.. what we thought was a sprain was TWO BROKEN bones! Yep. She fell, and broke her ankle. And guess what the best part of it was... she was getting transported to another hospital for SURGERY!

There was no stopping at home. Off in the ambulance she went. I called Brian to inform him on the news. I wasn't going to let them know the outcome till she was in the ambulance and on the way.

She ended up having surgery last night at 10pm. Brian and I of course went to Rhinelander. Brian's nephew stayed with FIL. (Hold on that parts still coming).

Headed over to WalMart, did alittle Christmas shopping. She got out of surgery about midnight, and was put into a room at around 12:45am this morning. She has screws, pins, and wire holding her ankle together. We left the hospital alittle after 1am.

Brian and I got home about 2:30am. It was -17 degrees on our ride home. We came home, and have been at Inlaws house since 2:30 - Father inlaw was WIDE awake when we got here.. finally got him to settle down around 4am. Brian and I slept here, and we were woken by Brian's dad at 7 this morning.

So, I will be leaving shortly to go and get her from the hospital. And bring her home.

So we both are making it on 3 hrs today.

Just wanted to give you an update as to what is going on.


Water can be used as 'Prop 101'

Picture this.. your stitching away in the living room, and you hear this thud. DH says - "it just tipped back on its own, now it wont stay open on its own."

Your thinking 'oh great'. Walk to the kitchen to investigate. And you find DH is holding on to the monitor of the laptop.

Seems there is a crack along the hinges, the part that connects the monitor to the body.

DH was thinking duct tape and super glue - I'm thinking your crazy repair shop.

Solution to the problem... water jug.

So, for the past couple days, the water jug has been doing its job.

Calling tomorrow to find the fate of the fix.


Christmas Ornament Exchange

Yesterday was opening day of the Christmas Exchange that I participated in with a group of ladies, on the BC_Trilogy Yahoo Group.

Irene sent to me. And when I found out who I was receiving from when the package arrived, I knew I would love it! Last night after I got home from work, I opened up my envelope to find inside this ADORABLE, SO DARN CUTE, little ornament. Its so stinking cute! Its now hanging in the kitchen from the knob on the cabinet door.

Irene, thanks for spending the time to stitch and finish your ornament for you. You must have had a heck of a time parting with it!

I had Julie's name, and for her exchange I was told that she loves Men - (snowmen and gingerbread men). So, I thought humm, I think I will stitch a gingerbread man, since I don't stitch them very often. So I found the perfect pattern to use. I used two of the gingerbread men from Gingerbread Trio by Little House Needleworks. I thought what could I stitch for the back, and I thought, another gingerbread man! So I did.

I LOVE how it turned out. I had a blast making it. For Julie, I had some gingerbread man fabric, so I made up a QSnap Hugger for her to grace her qsnap. :)


Girl's Quilt # 2 done


Thursday I got the backing fabric and batting for the girls quilts. I came home from shopping, got the material washed, cut, and sewed back together. I spent about 1.5 hrs pinning the quilt top (had to use my inlaws table as my workspace), and then I came home that evening and quilted. I got it all quilted, and I was super happy. This was my first *bigger* quilt top I have done machine quilting with my sewing machine - there is nothing fancy at all. Just stitched along the seam to square out the fabric squares. Gives it a good puffy effect.

While quilting the quilt, I had a hard time pushing the fabric thru at times. I got an idea! I had pair of garden gloves that had a rubber texture on the outside of the gloves, and they helped!! But, I couldn't use them much, and I found out that when quilting, I needed my sense of touch to feel if the batting or backing material was bunching up. But it helped when I needed the little help.

I worked Friday, and was super tired, and I was in bed early.

Saturday I worked at the quilt shop. I closed the store and had to actually let people know that the stored closed at 5pm, when it was already 5:15pm. After I got out of work, I stopped and bought dinner. Got home, and started working on the binding for the quilt. I used the remaining fabric from the backing of the quilt. Worked out great! I started to hand stitch the binding on last night, and then I started playing slots on Pogo, and then I discovered Yahtzee on Pogo, I was hooked! After I played several games awhile, I went back to the binding.

Today I spent about 5 hrs on the binding, and finally am happy to say its done! Kaylee's quilt is finished!

The pattern is Yellow Brick Road by Atkinson Designs. I used 18 fat quarters in different "girly colors". I made a twin size.

This is not the quilt top that is pictured below. I have now to work on that quilt top, and get it quilted and bind, before the 19th.


Catching up...

Since the posting on Saturday night - Ive had a hard 3 days. I had worked a 4 day stretch, on by Tuesday night, I was already in overtime. 2 hrs to be in fact - and I still have to work Friday (but that is where I get the overtime, once I work that day.) And the fact too.. I'm only part time - only suppose to be working 30 hrs a week there. So, that's where I have been for the past few days.

Friday night I did put about 250 stitches, and then last night I did about another 250, so I'm just moving right along..LOL Its just a big blob of grey, but its 500+ more stitches in.

I received word on Saturday that the table runner I made for Michele arrived, and she really loved it... you can read all about it here. She said her husband said that she couldn't take a picture of the table runner till she had a table cloth to compliment the runner. :) I'm sharing the picture that she shared with me.

Also, Vickie posted on her blog a picture of the Winnie the Pooh tree skirt that I helped her create. I love how it really turned out since seeing it under the tree. On her blog she also has a picture of her whole Disney Christmas tree. Check it out!!

Ladies, thanks again for contacting me and allowing me to help put your ideas to work, and that you love your end result :)

Whats on the agenda for today - well, I have the "plan" of putting the quilt #2 together - but its one of those days, where my oomph has no umph. So I'm just taking it slllllooowwww and steady. But stay tuned.. I'm sure you will be hearing a hooting and hollering. Tomorrow the goal is to get the backing fabric for the two quilts, as I have to make a trip to Rhinelander (the big city) to take my MIL to her Dr appt. So I'm going to stop by the LQS there and go to WalMart to see what kind of selection I have to chose from.

And, I got some exciting news yesterday .. Ive been staying away from eBay for some time.. well I was "snooping" around, and I found a really good auction. I put in a bid... was outbidded a couple days later. Put in another bid, had 35 minutes left in the auction. Left for work. Got to work, checked to see if I won. And I DID!! I got a really awesome deal! So stay tuned till I get my awesome deal! I was so happy, it made my rest of the day go better, yesterday.

Also, I want to wish my parents - a HAPPY 42nd ANNIVERSARY today!! Love you Mom and Dad!!

Christmas Edition of Getting To Know You

I have received this email a few times, so I thought I would include it on my blog, so everyone can see what my Christmas is like ...

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper & Gift bag for that odd shaped present to wrap.

2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Use to be the weekend of opening deer hunting... but I haven't put up a tree in the past two yrs, and this will be a third year.

4. When do you take the tree down? Before New Year's

5. Do you like eggnog? No.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Money!

7. Hardest person to buy for? A secret gift exchange

8. Easiest person to buy for? Myself... he he Actually Brian, as I know what he needs.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Those gifts that turn into white elephant gifts, the following year

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" - remember growing up watching the movie every year on tv. Two Christmas ago, my brother made a comment that was his favorite Christmas movie too - so last year I found it on DVD, and we watched it on Christmas Eve. Such memories!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? A few days before the gift giving.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Lefse, and pickled herring.

16. Lights on the tree? Clear - don't like colored lights on my tree.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Yes I will be traveling Christmas - to work! Plan is to go down the weekend before to celebrate Christmas with my family.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Whenever the family can get together.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Listening to Christmas songs since before Halloween.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Homespun/Primitive

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Having pizza with the family

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace in the World, but since I'm not going to get that. I just want a new electric blanket.

26. Who is most likely to respond to this? Hopefully everyone that sees this post :)


They arrived!

I came home tonight, and seen the mail. I seen an envelope addressed to me.. and Im thinking probably a late bday card.

To my surprise - it was my 50 petite needles!! Im so happpppy!! I took the picture, its so darn cute, and so tiny!

Thanks Missy for getting these for us!!

Best $9 Ive spent on stash in a long time.. he he Now I can thread up big time!!


Girls Quilt #1 Quilt Top Finish

Today I sat down and laid out the blocks for one of the girls quilt.

This was the result - all sewn together.

Hopefully I will have another quilt top finished soon.

Then I will need to purchase the backing fabric, batting and binding. And get started!

Winnie The Pooh Tree Skirt

As I was looking for the picture below on my computer, I found another one I wanted to share.

Last month, I was asked by a friend to help them make a tree skirt for their Christmas tree - a Winnie The Pooh premade printed tree skirt was purchased, and my job was to put it together.

The tree skirt was HUGE, and just at one half of the skirt too. But it was a little challenge to make, but I enjoyed it. I didn't use any batting as with the weight of the top and bottom fabrics was heavy enough. So I just put a detailed stitch around the ends, and I used 30 snowflake buttons to "quilt" the tree skirt. Where there was a printed snowflake, I put a button. Turned out really cute!

Pictured is only half of the quilted tree skirt. And I hope it enjoys its new home, and enjoys Christmas to come.

Another SFE reached its destination

I was blog hoppin this morning, and I noticed that my SFE was posted that it was received.

Here is the SFE I made for Mylene - her theme was Quaker 0r Summer. I went with my more favorite of the two. Its a freebie from The Workbasket, called Single Heart of Faith, Hope, and Love. I love the colors that fabric was - its from Dreams with Angels. I stitched it over 1 on 28ct. And made it into a magnet.


How I spent my Thanksgiving ...

Wow, have to say first of all. I still cant believe we just ate a whole bunch of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, scalloped corn, veggies, homemade apple pie. I still cant believe that Thanksgiving was celebrated today! Where are these days going... and they are going fast!!

Thanksgiving is such a deeply American holiday. It's a celebration of diversity. There are as many different "traditional Thanksgiving meals" as there are Americans.. and of hospitality. It's a day for welcoming strangers and extending kindness. Its about opening your doors and opening your hearts (and opening your mouth to wedge in that last bite of pie!).

Whatever made up your holiday meal, I hope it provided nourishment for your soul. For those who have loved ones far away, I send my hopes that you are reunited soon. For those who will be traveling home after this holiday, I wish you safe journeys. For those who cooked, I hope you had enthusiastic clean-up crews. To those who were on cleanup , I hope you had the ability to fit all the leftovers into the fridge. To Black Friday shoppers, I wish you quick reflexes and triumphant checkouts. I for one, will be spending it in bed! And for those deer hunters, I hope you found a nice rack to fill your walls, as I don't want my deer slayer on my Explorer to meet its match.

I was up alittle before 8am - I wanted to watch the Macy's Day Parade (I hope to attend it in 5 yrs - as my sister and I talked about going today - "when the girls are alittle older". I say - when Nat is 10!..LOL). I played alittle on the computer, chatted with a couple friends, and then it came on at 9am. I watched it on and off, as I was working on a quilt project.

I bet you cross stitchers that come to get inspiration, are moving on..LOL All I talk about now is quilting, quilting, quilting.... blah blah blah. Well, yep. I have started another quilt project, but get this.. its TWO quilt projects. The plan is to have them done by Dec 21st. Yesterday I ironed and cut all the strips. I worked on one quilt at a time, since its the same color fabrics for both. I didn't want to get them mixed up. Its the pattern from Atkinson Designs called Yellow Brick Road. I have used this pattern several quilts.. but this is the FIRST time I have actually followed the pattern..LOL For some reason I was always getting lost in the directions, and the sorta came out the way it should. So I'm happy to say I have it correct, this time.

We went over next door for our Thanksgiving dinner. My BIL, SIL, and their children, my MIL, Brian, and I enjoyed a nice dinner. I just brought a veggie plate, and the dressings for the lettuce salad. We had two turkeys. LOTS of food to fill the bellies, and a nice conversation around.

I was starting to fall asleep on the inlaws couch.. and I knew it was time to come home. So we came home, and I immediately got in my sweats, and I hit the sewing machine hard. I finished up on the 120 blocks (60 blocks per quilt) just alittle while ago. Now on the agenda is something I haven't done for a loooonnnnggg time. I'm going to get out Cabin in the Woods and put in a few stitches, as that is what I was thinking about as I was sewing away - and that was my reward for finishing up the blocks tonight.

Plan for tomorrow is to get the quilt blocks made into 2 Twin size quilt tops. Then.. I will work some on Cabin in the Woods. I think I can handle that.


Two finishies, and a weekend update

I'm participating in a Round Robin with a few SIQ members. For this month, I had Vickie's Mother's Wisdom RR visiting.

I selected to stitch "Dress Warm" & "Say Your Prayers".

They both were fast stitching. And I totally enjoyed stitching on them.

Here is a picture of what it looks like so far. It will be put in the mail on Wednesday and in transit to its next destination.

What else did I do this weekend ....

Well this weekend, I was ACTUALLY off for the whole weekend with nothing on the agenda. So, yesterday I finished up on the binding on the Bistro quilt, and I have to say ... DANG! It looks so awesome, and I can't wait to hear the reaction of the person receiving it. I have received word that they loved it so far.. now I cant wait to see it posted on their blog. (Cause I want to a pic once its on display in its new home... hint hint!!)

Last night, about 5:30ish - Brian and I were invited over to my inlaws. Just to fill you in - Brian's dad is 80, and is suffering from dementia ... BAD. I work in an Alzheimer's wing where I work, and there is no one there that is as bad as he is. Well, they live in a 3 bedroom home, and my FIL doesn't like to be at his home alone while he and my MIL sleep. So he likes to have us sleeping in the other room. So on an occasion - we get a phone call asking us to spend the night. Well last night, Brian had gone over earlier than I had. So I packed up some stitching and some movies. I get over there.. got my stitching out, and stitched away. We were sitting there, and Brian's dad goes.. "So where's your woman?"

I looked at his Dad, and then I looked at Brian.. and I just rolled my eyes. I said - "Im right here.. remember me, you are always calling me cutey!? And his dad goes, "Oh, I thought you were someone else". We are thinking that he thought Brian was another brother.

So, we are sitting there, all this time FIL was complaining, as he was complaining about the furnace running. It got to the point where my MIL had to go down stairs and close the vents to the registers. And it got on our nerves.

At 6:15pm - Brian's dad announces - he is going to bed. Brian and I both looked at each other, and our faces read, "We are going home!"

The plan was to spend the night. We weren't going to be doing that. There is no way that Brian and I were going to bed that early. As his parents are laying in bed, Brian could hear them talking. And three times, Brian's dad asked his mom... "They are not sleeping in the same bed are they?" The look on Brian's face was PRICELESS!! Brian's mom goes "They are married, they can do that sorta thing."

At about 6:45, both Brian and I were home (we live about 50 steps from his parents house), Brian called his mom to announce that we were home. And told her why we couldn't spend the night. God Bless that lady's heart, as she has been with his for 62 years on the 30th.

So then, last night, I finished up on "Say Your Prayers". This morning I slept in alittle, made lunch, and started playing around on the computer. I hope you noticed that I couldn't take it any longer. And I have to say - it wasn't that bad! Yep, I converted my blog from Template to Layout. I think I have it the way I like.. but I'm still playing with it.

Well I suppose its time to relax for the evening, and watch a couple movies - I have Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1 & 2 to watch... and I think I'm going to just veg and enjoy the evening.


How I spent my birthday

Well I managed to roll out a bed at 11am this morning. Thought.. wait a minute - if I don't get up now, I'm going to spend my bday in bed..LOL

So, I got up, and played alittle on the computer - deleted over 1200 emails from last week when we were down state. Then we headed up to Iron River for a few things. Stopped at the drug store, to drop off a prescription . Then it was off to my favorite store in IR - Wardo's, and I picked up the fabric, batting, and thread I needed to finish the Bistro table runner.

Stopped at the store and got a few other things.. batteries were on the list. Brian treated me to McD's (drive thru of course). We got home, and I got busy!

I finished up on the Bistro table runner - I LOVE how it turned out! All I have left to do hand stitch the binding around the table runner. I used two charm packs on this table runner, and only have about 4 squares left. It measures 20" by 76".


Snapfish Addict

My sister and I share our account.. and we did up a photo book for our dad, with pictures from his benefit. OH WOW, the photo book turned out wonderful! It was so good, that our Dad requested we get another photo book. My sister is getting another photo book for a Christmas present. The quality is so good! We have received several of our printed photo's from Snapfish. We find that they are better than WalMart and the Kodak picture maker. (And cheaper) So have a look around Snapfish, you wont be disappointed! I'm off to place another order!

You can check out Snapfish by using their 20 FREE print offer. Well worth it!


 20 free prints
Visit Snapfish today!

If the invite doesnt work - email me at upnorthxstitching@gmail.com and I will get your the invite.

And - today (Nov 18th) they are offering FREE shipping - 20 free prints + free shipping = FREE PICTURES!!


WIP of Quilt Alphabet Sampler

While waiting to go to the post office (as I have a couple things to mail out), I thought I would post a WIP picture of QAS.

Im halfway finished with it now! Love how its turning out!!

Some pictures..

I was going thru my pictures from last week, while down by the family - and I just love how this one turned out!!

Here are the girls - Kaylee and Natalie while at the hospital.

My sister Amy, enjoying herself. (Heck we all enjoyed playing with the Mr. Potatohead!)

Brian - He got a nerve the night before to shave off his beard.



I wanted to post that my dad came home yesterday from the hospital. He is back to normal. We went out for lunch today for my Mom's, Dad's and my birthdays.

He sure gave us a scare!

Thanks again for all those that showed their care by leaving a message, and emailing me. It means alot!


Dad Update.

Dad is doing good, but his memory is really bad. Just to describe something he had a hard time. He couldn't even remember, what he had to for lunch. The nurse asked him some questions, and he couldn't answer a couple - example the month, but he knew it was the day after my Mom's birthday. We spent a few hours in the hospital with Dad & Mom. The girls had their Mr Potato Head toys, and Wizard of Oz dolls, and we passed the time playing a question game.

He had some tests today, and he will be hopefully discharged tomorrow.

I just wanna say a thank you to those that commeted to the other post, and for those emailing me with their prayers, and concerns. It means so much, and it actually warms my heart. THANK YOU!


What a day..

Brian and I are down at my sister's. My dad had a stroke this afternoon.

We came down, as it was a really bad stroke. As of right now, he is doing good. Got his speech back, grasp, and is moving his arms. Im not sure how long we will be down. He will have to have additional test tomorrow to see how extent the damage is.

Its my Mom's bday today - my sister, her girls, my brother and his fiancee, his son, my parents went out for lunch. They were all sitting down at the resturant, and it happen.

They watched him have the stroke. He was transported to the hospital in the ambulance. My sister called me at work, and her first words were, "You have to come now.

Will post more when we know more.



This is our second snowfall of the year, and this time it stuck. All I can say is .. MELT!!

Prefect weather for spending time with the sewing machine, today.


WIP Picture of QAS

Here is a WIP picture of the Quilt Alphabet Sampler. I love it!

I've been slowly stitching away on it. Try to stitch on it, when I can. But since I've been working on other projects.. its slowly coming along.

Gosh she's 1 already!

Yesterday, my youngest niece turned 1. This proud Godmother had to work this weekend, and couldn't make the trip down.

But I had this picture waiting for me when I got home. I think she enjoyed her cake!!

Happy 1st Birthday Lindsey!! (Winzee, as her cousin calls her...LOL)


Bistro Charm Packs

Gosh, I'm craving coffee since opening these charm packs, that arrived in the mail today.

Here are the charm packs from Moda, and Deb Strain's new fabric line - Bistro. I love the colors!!

Look forward to see what becomes of these squares.


Preview of a finish

I have a finish I need to keep hidden. Its for someone, and I dont want to ruin the surprise.

Look at it this way, its two men. And its finished into an ornament.

Will be able to share next month.


Timber Creek Charm Quilt

Well, its finished. The quilt top, made with the charm packs of fabrics from the Timber Creek (Moda), is finished!

I finished it up this afternoon. I actually had to frog off a row, as it was too long. Would have been longer if I had added the borders, so off it went. Its all flannels, so its going to be nice and warm. I had to use additional cuts from the solid flannels I had on hand here. So that's why you see just solid blocks.

How I made the quilt is, I took the 5" squares, and I sewed them into a 9 patch. Then I cut the big square in half, both ways. Then sewed them back together, in an arranged pattern.

The border was Brian's selection. The more I was thinking on it - we have orange carpet..LOL No wonder he picked the orange for the border, to coordinate the carpet. I will be picking up the batting and backing material soon. Then I will be either tying, or machine quilting. I'm not sure yet.

I have a few more quilt projects I need work on. And I'm waiting on another arrival of charm packs. Cant wait to play with them, and see what I can come up with.. he he.


We have a local radio station that hosts a call in show, and they have trivia contests.

Well the prize for the question was a $160 package to the Mall of America.

The question was.. "On the Sun-Maid Raisin box, what year did the model, Lorraine Petersen pose for the painting that is showcased on the box?"

I immediately Googled for the answer, found the Sun-Maid website with all the info, and I did a quick read, and dialed the phone.

My first (correct) response was ... "1915." "Nope." Was told to keep trying. (1915 was the year she was discovered and asked to do the painting, which was done)

Called back - said "1916." "Not right, but close." (In 1916, the original version of the Sun-Maid trademark was put on the product.)

So I gave up. I waited to hear the question again. Someone else beat me to the incorrect answer. GRRR She said "1914, and figured since she (I) was wrong twice, that she would go down in years" and won the $160 package to the Mall of America.

That ruined my day!!

I have since researched the answer, and no where I have found 1914 to be the correct year.

So, some useless trivia I know the answer too.

One vote from me!

Just returned from our town hall, where Brian and MIL were handed paper ballots, and I went to the voting machine.

I have to say it was faster for them to mark their X's, compared to me touching the screen.

All I have to say is..


Wizard of Oz - Halloween 2008

If you have been following my blog.. you may have see that my niece is a HUGE Wizard of Oz movie watcher. She has seen it more than I have in my lifetime - and she is only 5.

Well, a little over a month ago, we put on Freecycle that we were looking for a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I did get a couple replies, and two dresses. The first dress just fit. And I had the fortunate chance to be contacted again and we were able to get a homemade dress. My sister picked up the dress, and had alterations done to it so Natalie would be comfortable in it.
The alterations were made this past week, and my sister was able to pick up a pair of red glitter shoes for Natalie. And was able to buy a basket to complete her costume. So here she is as Dorothy. (BTW, thats my Mom on the steps, infront of the house I grew up in.)

My future sister inlaw Jenny made Conway's Scarecrow costume. Isnt he cute!!

And Wicked Witch of the West (a.k.a Kaylee), had a great time! My sister picked up the costume at a rummage sale, and also had the costume altered to make it more Kaylee sized.

Everyone thought the costumes were cute, and really loved Kaylee's green face..LOL

They arrived!!

My charm packs arrived on Thursday, and by Thursday evening I was sewing them into 9 patch blocks.

I had purchased 5 charm packs, and I had additional fabric here to work with. So the solids on the left I had cut out into 5" squares. I had 145 blocks from the charm packs, and 110 with the solids, so I will have way more than I need.

So far I have the blocks sewn in strips of three, and need to sew them all together, and then I will go from there. Im really excited to work with flannels, as I LOVE working with them!!


Lost a stitching friend..

I just returned home from the post office. I just had dropped a sympathy letter in the mail to a husband, of a stitching friend I met online. I have some heart aching news to share

Elaine, passed away on October 18, 2008. Her obituary is here .. Elaine Bassett

Elaine, and I met thru the internet. She actually contacted me via email, thru another cross stitching friend. I'm not even sure if Elaine had mentioned me, to her husband.

I live about 50 miles from her. I was to meet up with Elaine sometime, just to stitch and get to know each other. We have been in contact for over a year and a half now. But just never had the time to get together.

Elaine wanted to take me to Wausau and go to The Needlework Shop. It would be my first time there.

Elaine last sent me an email in June, and just gave a update on all that was going on. How her daughter was doing, with the recent flood. And again, she said - If things ever settle down here, I still would like to get together sometime and stitch for a couple of hours and share show & tell, etc. Have you ever made it down to the stitching store in Wausau?

I was thinking of her recently, so I typed up an email on Oct. 21st, and sent it on its way. I was emailing to see how she was doing, and to get together. I thought it was kinda odd that my email went unanswered.

This morning I was thinking. I wonder if everything is ok. Then something told me to type in Elaine's name, and Minocqua into the search on Google.
I was shocked. My heart sunk, and tears began to roll down my cheek. I just couldn't believe it. I know she had mentioned in the past that she was going to the doctor more regularly, and that she had some health issues.

As I read her obituary, I found out what a wonderful woman she was.

We stitch pretty much the same designs, so we were often stitching the same pattern. I remember her stitching along with her friends My Missouri home, and was calling it her Wisconsin home. I was really looking forward to seeing her framed finishes, and see her current project she was working on, and just get the chance to visit.

I know I'm someone that never met Elaine in person, but she will ever hold a place in my heart. Now I regret with tears that I never got to meet Elaine.

To the Bassett Family - Please accept my sympathy, and know I'm cross stitching now for Elaine.


With the upcoming season...

The season that brings the little white flakes, and the plummeting temps, is upon us. Last year we were hit in the wallet... hard. We needed to find a new way to heat our house.

We have propane heat that heats our furnace. Well, I'm we are getting sick of hearing the furnace kicking in every 10 seconds after it goes off. We have to keep it a comfortable cool in here to manage. Or we would be so broke, we wouldn't be able to enjoy life.

My MIL called the other day to get a quote on propane from our supplier - $2.29 a gallon. We have a 500 gallon propane tank. Last year we spent over $1000 (just in the winter months) to heat our house with propane.

Brian has been talking for sometime now about getting an additional heating source. Over and over again I have been hearing an advertisement on the radio, about Solar Comfort. Well, we got talking last night about what we are going to do. We cant afford to be paying those huge heating bill. I don't want to have a wood burner in the house or, one of those outdoor wood burners. We needed something that was going to be energy efficient, and practical for us to use.

This morning I called up the business (Downtown Sew N Vac in Iron Mountain, MI), and asked a few questions, got the specs, and talked it over with Brian. Went on the internet and looked up the site for the Solar Comfort. Within 30 minutes we were in the car, on the way to check out the system. The sales lady was very friendly and knowledgeable about the Solar Comfort, and we are now a proud owner of a Solar Comfort.

I selected the black cabinet for the heater, as it would go with everything else black in our living room where we have it. Its awesome as I can set things on top, and it doesn't get hot on the cabinet. It has kicked in about 3 times since we have been home. Its stayed nice and toasty in here. And it has wheels, so it can go anywhere!

Now, we have to see how much our electric bill will go up, and how much our propane bill with go down. Its says we should cut our heating bill - 50%. And I'm sure in the end.. its going to be well worth it! And it offers a 6 year warranty.


QAS WIP Picture

Here is a WIP pic of Quilt Alphabet Sampler - that was in the Oct 08 Cross Country Stitching mag.

I love how its coming along. I'm being good, and doing the back stitching as I go. And its really making the design pop.

Owl Finish - Elaine's SFE

Gosh, about two months ago, I stitched the Owl which was from a Prairie Schooler chart that I have. The chart is called 'Autumn Leaves', I used the owl from the chart. I stitched with DMC floss on 28ct white jobelan.

I finished it as a hanging decoration. And I sent it off to Elaine for her SFE, which her theme was "owls". Last week I received word that its owner received her SFE.

See I have been stitching, but couldn't share. Off to post another WIP post.. he he


I've Died and gone to Charm Pack Heaven!

Don't know how I got there.. but all I did was a search for "Charm Pack Moda" on eBay.. and looky what I found!

I'm in L♥O♥V♥E!!!

This is a new collection from Moda - designed by Holly Taylor called 'Timber Creek Flannel'

I'm so excited that I even woke up Brian. See, we have been talking about me making a quilt to go on our bed (I had made a quilt a long time ago.. but I think it likes its life better at the quilters who was going to finish it.. but never got it back - and its going on 3 yrs now). I L♥O♥V♥E anything Northwoods, and this one is soooo Northwoods!!

I have purchased 5 charm packs to make a queen size quilt for our bed. I have plenty of other flannels that are also Northwoodsy.. so it will work great together!!

Only 9 more days till its released, then I get my charms.. stay tuned for a WIP of this quilt. I already have an awesome charm pack quilt pattern picked out! EEP!