
Stewie the Pug Shark

Dont worry - he isnt sad. I just happen to catch that face when I took the picture. :) Happy Halloween!


Pauline said...

I dunno, Kim. Stewie kinda looks like he's saying 'I try to be good but see what she does to me anyway'.

I know this look, my Jack gets it every time I try to put his jumper on him- and his jumper doesn't even have a shark on it!

Cute pic!

Kathy said...


It looks like the shark is eating him! :)

Northwoods Woman said...

He is so adorable! I love those little doggies!

Blu said...

How cute!

Carmen said...

cute litle shark-dog.

Deb said...

ohhh I got nightmares..LOL not really that is a face that you can surely hug..poor shark probably feels bad for swalling him..that is just toooo cute.
found your blog through Cre8tive quilter

Jocelyn said...

Wow - so super cute!


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