Pinetop Lodge WIP Picture
Weekly SBQ Question - July 26
Today's SBQ was suggested by Von and is:
Many of us have a few pairs of embroidery scissors and some even have
a "collection". How many pairs of scissors do you have? Feel free to
share a photo of your favorite pair or pairs with us!
The only scissors I have are the cheap foldable ones, and the cheap kid scissors. No need for anything fancy to cut the snip-its.. LOL The scissors I use also have fobs attached to them, so when they get 'lost', I have the fob to grab at when it gets lost in the recliner.
Pinetop Lodge Started
This morning I sat down and kitted up Pinetop Lodge - I had two choices of fabric to use.. 18ct Smoketone or 28ct Tea. Brian helped me chose.. we decided on the Smoketone (Missy this is the piece of fabric you sent.. Thanks!). I had put the floss on the fabric, and it was a good choice! Then I had to wait to start it.. LOL
After we got home from Iron Mountain getting the tire fixed, and some other goodies - and the house organized. Sat down and started working on the design. I'm stitching it using a scroll frame on my floor stand.. have been playing with the right way of stitching.. to get comfortable. I have been using a Qsnap recently.. and I think I might have grown accustom to the feel of the Qsnap. I'm tempted to put the design on a Qsnap.. but then I may have cut the fabric alittle short on the sides for a Qsnap, as it would damage the fabric and cause it to fray.
I'm loving the design! Its so me! This is being stitched for... ME (DUH!)
Promise checked OFF!
I can start a new project! As I stated in the previous post - I wanna stitch Pinetop Lodge by LHN. Well Im happy to say.. Im starting it tomorrow!
I had another "little" project to finish.. so I sat down tonight to work on it.. not expecting to finish it.. but 3 hrs later its done! :) What you ask? I will have pictures soon.. promise!
Tomorrow we are going to Iron Mountain to get the flat tire replaced. We were going to go today but we kinda decided we would go tomorrow. So I got cleaning! I straighten up the living room, mainly around my chair, end table, and the floor where I have all my "needs to be filed" patterns and stash. I got a kick out of Brian.. he would leave and go outside while I clean.. he would come back inside to find it more messy than when he left! I explained to him.. I gotta make a mess to get it organized. Go me!
ILCS Logo Retreat Assignment #2
DOUBLE WAHOO! I started this project at 9:30pm, and it was going so fast -told Brian that I was going to have it done before I went to bed.. and at 12:30am. I put the last stitch in! Don't mind me as I blow on my needle.. LOL
This is my 2nd assignment complete for the ILCS retreat next month that I've completed today!! I originally designed this design for a contest on the message board. I won 2nd place for it. I then sent the original finish design finished into a tuck pillow to the group mom, two years ago. I was asked if my entry for the contest could be used to finished as a photo album cover. I used the picture that I had to use a designing program to chart it out. Looks very similar to the original design, but the retreat's design didn't have all the color changes (the lites/darks - just went with the solid colors.
So I got my homework done.. well the stitching part of it all. I have to sort out my finish projects to find some to be finished as cube-its. And I also have to finish my name tag - just need to square it out.
Tomorrow Im going to chart up a Little House Needleworks chart called "Pinetop Lodge" I received this chart a few years back... another stitcher had stitched it and offered me the chart. I jumped on it... cause I loved the design! I even was looking for some fabric the other day.. and Missy (Thanks so much again Missy!) had sent me some aida.. and I think I might have found the piece I wanna use. But Im going to just use DMC floss, so I will just pull out the colors and play with the fabric alittle to see what I like.
Beta Fish FINISH!
I have to say.. I'm really happy to have this finish complete! Means I can finally clean the house... no not exactly!.. LOL
Last night and today I really had my needle smokin! I was determined to get this project done! This is a freebie from Michael's - which we need to have stitched for the retreat, since its a class assignment. We are making this into a flatfold. I would guess it took about 20 hours to stitch! So you can see why I'm excited to have it stitched!
Now I have to stitch a design that I created for a contest, and have been asked to design it for the retreat - which I have.. now I just need to stitch it. Might start on it tonight, or tomorrow. Then I can get to some "ME" stitching!
Something new.. Weekly SBQ
Today's SBQ was suggested by Cathy and is: When you get a project professionally framed do you get glass inserted into the frame? Why or why not?
Well I have never really had a project professionally framed, but I have had professional help with the framing.
Back in Feb 2005, I stitched "Of Woods and Wilderness" by Dragon Dreams for a fundraiser at work. I bought a 7x7" square wooden frame and custom cut glass @ H.L. drove home 120 miles to find out that the glass had broken! Talked with a coworker, who husband had a glass repair business, so I got another piece of glass from her. Getting out of the truck at the framers, and some how managed to crack the corner of the glass, and had to have the framer cut a new piece!... LOL
The framer helped me pick out the mat and cut it while I waited! He even finished the back of the frame putting brown paper on it. I loved it.. hated to part with the finish! Going to have to stitch it again!
Just Made some...
Pickled Beets!
Yeah yeah, I know its almost 1am.. but -
Tonight at work, a coworker (the same one that changed my tire last night) brought in some beets from the garden, and asked me if I wanted them. First thought was pickle those babies!
So about 10:30p - I chopped off the ends and boiled them till the skin was peeling off. Chopped up some onions. Had to wait till the beets were cool enough to touch, to peel off the skin. Began the vinegar/water/sugar mixture, while I cut the beets into slices. I now have 2 large jars (the industrial size ones - since I love pickles!) about 3/4th full. :) Im now waiting the 1 hour wait before I can place them in the refrigerator. So I thought I would come on here, and share my wait.. LOL
Ive been RAK'ed
You are AWESOME! You are too generous! The fabric will be put to GREAT use! You are a wonderful person, and I really enjoy coming home to see what is going on in your world!
I had fr*C*&Tn flat tire on my rear driver side!
We had just had the brakes replaced Tuesday, and noticed that the tire (the one that was flat) was in need of getting repaired.. which we plan to do on Monday. We had talked about putting the spare tire on already on Tuesday. Oh yeah.. and DH decided on Tuesday to put the jack in his vehicle for some reason.. LOL So try changing a tire with out a jack!
Lucky enough I have a wonderful male coworker that took the time out of his shift to help me replace the tire. Why cant they make changing a tire easy on us woman - I would have had to jump and down on the tire wrench - wouldnt have been a pretty sight! LOL
Well the spare is now on.
Update On "Me"
For the photo album cover, we have to stitch the design that I made for the ILCS logo contest a couple years back. When I first stitched it.. I never made a copy of it, since it was other designs used to make the design, and it was some or my ideas also. So the other night I sat down downloaded PSStitch7 to designed the block, got to the part to save - I couldn't save the design or even print it out. I contacted a friend and told her about my dilemma and she helped me out! So I was able to get it saved and sent to her, and now everyone has a copy of my design. For the cube it class, we need to bring a finished project - like one from a block swap.. I'm thinking of taking my Acorns & Pines and make it into a cube it. I'm just thankful that I have a four day weekend this weekend!
I had the opportunity to start my neighbor Melanie in cross stitching! I got home yesterday from the quilt studio, and she came over to ask if I could teach her cross stitching. We paged thru some books to find a goat.. since she loves goats. I showed her how to read a chart, how to find the DMC floss, showed her the goodies that she would need for the project, how to find the center of the fabric, how to stitch - starting and ending. I sent her home with a good start last night.. and she just pmed me to say that she hopes to finish her goat tonight.
Like I said above.. I was at the quilt studio yesterday.. I had my first experience with machine quilting! It was alot of fun, but I found out the amount of work it takes just to get the quilt ready for machine quilting - pinning the quilt top to the canvas, pinning the backing material to the canvas.. and getting the thread on the machine, and getting it ready to run! I cant show pics of the quilt nor the machine quilting, as the quilt is a gift, and I don't want to "show it off".. LOL I will have pics later when the quilt is ready to be shown off. I hope to get machine quilting again. (Thanks again Laurie Jean for allowing me to do the machine quilting. Thanks for your guidance and support!)
Well I suppose I should get to bed.. have to work the next 3 days, then Im off for FOUR! WOOHOO! Pray for nice weather, as it might be the only chance we go camping this year... my hobbies are cutting into my camping time this year - and I think our camping neighbors are sadden by us not coming out to camp with them.
Pics From Green Bay
We are already making plans for next years convention.. getting together and having fun!
Natalie was a little fish! She sure loved her swimming, and it was a great bribe to get her to behave.. LOL While we were there, we went swimming every day!
Some Pics from Bay Beach
I have alot more pics of the girls - the camera was accidently dropped. But on the picture after the drop (like the one above) you see a black shading in the corner. But I think I may have gotten it fixed.
I Love my Stash!
While at the Stitching Bee on Wednesday - I went Little House Needleworks stashing! I got the following designs
- Herb Garden
- Paper Whites
- Lavender Hill
- Woodland Sampling
- Daisy Lane Cottage
- Plant Kindness
- Lakeside Lodge
I have fallen inlove with these designs! I would have gotten more.. but I would have gone broke! Need to save for Omaha - so I think I did good!
My other stashing include a whole some evenweave and linen fabric! Gosh I couldnt stop!.. LOL I found a bin at the LNS and went crazy! They were all cuts of other cuts, so they will make great ornament. I also got 4 WDW floss for an upcoming project. Also I got some beads - actually bought 2 of them.. as I couldnt find the # I needed, so bought # next to it.. and then of course I found the # at the last store I visted.. LOL. I also got some beading needles.
I got snaps for the Snapperville that I got the large cut of 28ct light fiddlers evenweave for! And I searched out the clearace at H.L, and came up with 3 cheap charts - Twisted Threads; "Easter Gingham", and "Spring Gingham", Homespun Elegance - "Summer Gathering"
BTW - to much going on.. didnt even get a chance to stitch!
Conway & his Fire truck quilt
My nephew Conway turned 2 on July 11th, and since I was going down to GB - we had plans to go down and get the girls to bring them back to GB with us. So we stopped and visited with Conway and Scott.
We had to wait for Scott and Conway to get home - so I had placed Conway's present on the ground. When Conway got out of the truck, he came over to the present.. and told Conway to open his bday present. Well as he was openning his present.. he kept saying "Fire truck Fire truck" - Im so glad I didnt disappoint him!.. LOL He openned the present and said "Fire truck"! See that kid is obsessed with fire trucks!
Happy Birthday Conway!
The 'Monkey' Jumping on the bed!
Coming to you from Green Bay
Then I went on the other side of Green Bay and visited The Stitching Bee.. gosh I love that little shop! The Stitching Bee is my LNS.. and its only 110 miles away! I walked out with a number of Little House Needleworks charts, lots of cuts of evenweave, and 4 WDW floss Im going to be using soon on a chart. I will post the charts when I get home - as they too are out in the truck (Gosh.. my truck is parked out in the parking lot.. better be there when I get out there.. cause I would be VERY upset if I saw my xstitch stashing MISSING!)
Then I stopped at a Ben Franklin.. shouldnt have even stopped, as I pretty muched walked in and out.. LOL Stopped at a Michael's - wanted to see what they carried as we will be shopping at one in Omaha next month.
Got back to the hotel, as I was to meet my mom around 4p, so we could go down and get my sister and her two girls. And besides I wanted to see Conway as it was his bday yesterday. He loved his quilt! As he was openning the box, he kept saying "fire trucks".. it was too cute! That boy and his fire trucks! I even got to see my dad's new police car! Its a 1952 police car! Its too cool! Only bad thing is.. I forgot to take pictures of the car! DUH! Oh BTW - I got to see my parents' grave stone! It was weird to see it (no there is nothing wrong with them.. just wanted to make sure it was done before something happened :)
On the way back GB, we stopped and McDon's and got some dinner. Got back to the hotel, and first thing Natalie did when we got in the room was found the bed and started jumping!.. LOL We got settled in and we went swimming! Natalie was a little fish! Oh and she didnt like the elevator at first, but being on the 6th floor she had to ride it acouple times.. and now it is called the alligator for some reason.!.. LOL
Well I suppose I should get going.. LOL My sister is hearing me type this.. and said it sounded like mice on the floor making noise.. LMAO!
We hope to get over to Bay Beach tomorrow... but its suppose to be HOT! So we might just lounge around the hotel room, do alittle supply shopping, and spend some time in the pool!
More later!
ILCS Survivor Prize Arrived!
I was like a kid in a candy store... I couldnt get home fast enough.. as I found out that I had a big box waiting for me when I get home! The Survivor prize came today! It was soooo cool opening the box (the tape was giving me trouble)
I got lots of goodies! From pillows, to floss, to beads, to patterns, and fabric! And even a little jar for my snip-its!
Thanks again for all that played the game it was sooooo fun! Great choice of prizes!
Even had a phone call after I got done taking a picture of the prizes. It was Natalie! Cant wait to see her in a couple days! She is going to spend time with me while Im in Green Bay spending time with my mom and shopping! So be on the look out for pictures on Friday!
Summer House - Little House Needleworks
Ever since I saw this freebie on Hoffman's site (which the freebie is no longer there..) I just had to stitch it! Ive fallen inlove with the Little House Needleworks, and Im sure that my collection is going to be growing when I go to The Stitching Bee in Green Bay this coming Wed, and when I go LNS hopping with the girls from ILCS in Omaha.
Firetruck Quilt COMPLETED!
This is the Firetruck Log Cabin that I had finished recently. I bought the fire truck squares on ebay and just knew that I would be making a quilt for my nephew Conway. Conway is just addicted to firetrucks at the moment, and I found out that his mom would like to decorate his room in firetrucks! So I made this quilt for his bed.
I had Laurie Jean @ Golden Needle Quilt Studio quilt this for me. She quilted flames into the quilt using a red thread. I really love it!
For the backing I chose a Flame material that I found. I really like the look!
I picked up the quilt from LJ yesterday, got home and got right to sewing the binding on to the quilt. I sat outside for awhile and got the binding hand sewn onto he quilt.
Conway will be 2 on Tuesday (July 11), so I will be taking the quilt with me when I go down to Green Bay on Wednesday.
Hope to get a pic of Conway with the quilt.. cant wait to see his reaction.
If you follow my blog, you may have seen recently that I finished a model (actually 2 models.), and said I would post a pic of the model when Im given permission to release it.
Well, I have been given permission from Patty at Moonflower Designs to post the models I have stitched for her to be released in the near future.
I first stitched the orange/redish color daffodil first, sent it back to the designer, and she asked if I would be interested in stitching the same design, but with a different color. The orange/redish finish took me a week to stitch, but I was alittle slower time to stitch the brown daffodil, as I was working on a friends quilt project, so the stitching got put on the backburner so to say.
ILCS Retreat Nametag Finish
I WON ILCS Survivor!
As a celebration of the birthday, ILCS Survivor was played. Everyone (there was 17 that played) that wanted to play sent $5.00 worth of newly purchased stitching goodies to the group mother, who also hosted the game. Back at the beginning of June there was a question and the first person to answers the question correct had immunity and could not be voted off. So a poll was held and the person that had the most votes each time was 'voted' out of the game. It was a hard time, as I hated voting for anyone. Then there was several questions and polls given, and a person voted off each time. I was lucky enough to win immunity once. Well it came down to me and 2 other stitching friends. Well, Im shocked to say I won! The last vote was to pick the person you wanted to win the goodies that was sent earlier, and to receive the money for a gift certificate for a ONS or LNS to spend.
I was aware of the stash that Im receiving, but I found out today that Im receiving $50! I have requested that the group mother umm hand me the $$ when we get to Omaha! - so I have some stash $$ to spend when we go shop hoppin! I will post a pic of the stash when it arrives.
Im just so thankful for the people that didnt vote for me during the game, and for the ones that did vote for me in the final round... they made one happy person here!
Below is a picture of the stash Im going to be receiving in the mail soon. :)
Room Reserved!
Only 1 month, 1 week, and 1 day till the retreat!
Acorns & Pines
This is a design from Little House Needlworks - called Acorns & Pines. I had seen it in a finish album of a friend, and just had to stitch it! I stitched it on 14ct fiddlers aida, with DMC floss.
Im hoping to make it into a little tuck pillow.
I had to work the past 4 days, and I had a weekend that I wish it doesnt repeat in the future! It was sooooo bad! We have a resident that is having a hard time, and well its hard on all of us. And I guess I take it personal when I have difficulties with them. So when I came home in the evenings - all I wanted to do was stitch, and get my mind on other things. So I started this design Saturday night, and finished before noon today.