CJ's RR Complete!/Last Finish of 2008
Natalie's quilt
I was going thru my camera and found a picture of Natalie's quilt that I made for her and gave her last week when we had Christmas with my family.
She opened her present, and I'm like... "wait I forgot to take a picture of it". So here it is.
The girls weren't excited about getting the quilt.. but I figured as it wasn't a toy. But I'm sure once they get their twin beds, they will think of me :).. LOLThis was the 1 of the 2 quilts I made in a span of a few weeks. They were a blast to make! The pattern is Yellow Brick Road from Atkinson Designs.
You can see Kaylee's Quilt here.
Garden Inspiration Table Quilt
What I did was cute the square in half, sewed two different fabrics together. Then I cut them again in half. And then arranged them in to this layout.
It was so quick and easy to make. I actually was working on sewing the binding together the day of MIL's fall. And I had started the project at 11am that morning, and got the call about 3:15. Well with everything going on, I brought it along last weekend to work on the hand sewing of the binding. Well guess what! I ran out of thread..LOL I was able to finish it up Christmas Eve.
This is going to be gifted to a coworker.
Teresa's RR finished
Well last night about 7pm, I started on the stitching. I had to help MIL get ready for bed, and once she was settled, I got to stitch and chat some with Vickie. Brian fell asleep about 10:30. I got all the branches and the pine boughs stitched and I was in bed around 12:45am.
I shouldn't have stayed up that late. I was woken up by the chiming of the door bell @ 4am. Meant MIL needed something. Come to find out, FIL had been pestering her since 2am to get up, and get started with the day. I found them in the living room. It was an all out verbal fight, and I even got in on it. LOL I told Brian, if FIL swung @ MIL or myself, would he defend us. He said he would, but he would have to be careful he didn't do any damage.
It was after 5am, and Brian told me to go to bed, as I hadn't slept much before then. I woke up around 8am to use the bathroom, and everyone was back in bed. I was chimed again at 9:30 to make something to eat for MIL.
I went back to stitching once I got everything settled. Around noon today I had a finish!! I think that this finish was a quick stitch, despite all that is going on in my world.
So, the details - Cardinal, from The Prairie Schooler - Prairie Birds (Book No. 24) stitched with DMC, on 16ct.
After I finished up the stitching, Brian and I took off for grocery shopping so Brian has food to prepare for his parents. We took our time, but our relief help was eager to get going when we got home.
If you are keeping count... tonight will be night 14 we have spent away from our bed. I'm sure it will be about Jan 5 before we get to stay a night at home.. unless someone in the family steps up and offers to spend the night for us. But ain't happen yet!
Models for Glory Bee are released!!

Christmas 2008
Saturday, we were able to get on our way after getting someone to parent sit for us. We were on the road and headed south. Once we got to my sister's house, I left Brian there so he could catch up on some sleep, and I took the girls and we went to finish up my Christmas shopping. They were really good for me, I couldn't believe it! Saturday night, Brian and I watched Nat and Kaylee while their parents went out. We worked on something special for their Mom, and then wrapped some presents. We even watched "Horton Hears a Who!"
Sunday - we all slept in till 10:30am. The weather was awful! Blowin like crazy and a temp of -4 and the windchill was unbearable. We headed off to get our supplies for Kaylee's 3rd bday party (she turned 3 on the 19th). The party started at 3pm, there was a nice turnout, despite the weather. After we had the party and my brother's arrived, we had our family Christmas. We exchanged gifts amongst the adults, and we had presents for the kids. After we were thru with presents, my parents treated us all for dinner at The Viking. It was a great time, I love spending time with all my family at once!
We have a tradition, of taking a picture of the kids in front of the Christmas tree... my have they grown since last year!!
On the way home we were singing Christmas songs, and looking for Christmas lights (and deer). It was a great way to end the evening.On Monday, I headed over to YDS, which is a quilt store. I found a couple panels I liked and I'm looking forward to making something out of them. In the afternoon, we took Natalie to Preschool, and Brian, Amy, & Kaylee met my parents for lunch. After, we went shopping for a GPS. One trip around the parking lot with my parents GPS, I was begging Brian to go back in, and purchase one for ourselves.
Monday evening was spent watching TV (watched Wall-E - I fell asleep watching it..LOL) , watched the Packers lose. My sister made lasagna, and we had a quiet evening.
Today, we left my sister's at 11:30am, stopped by my parents to show them a few things I had discovered on the GPS, and we went for lunch. On the way home, we stopped at Hobby Lobby, so I could get some pellet stuff for a little something I wanna try. The roads home were terrible. We saw 3 cars in the ditch, and heard of several more along the way, on the radio.
We got home about 5pm, and got unloaded, and guess what.. I'm typing this post from my inlaws again. This will be the 9th night we have not slept in our bed (or in the same bed for that matter, since the inlaws have twin beds for use to sleep in, and we were on the couch or love seat at my sisters..LOL)
So, all in all.. I wanna do over of the weekend!
Looking forward to the weekend
Tomorrow morning we are leaving to travel down state to spend the weekend with my family. We had already had this planned out for some time, and we feel as though we need a break too. We do have someone coming to stay, and look after them.
MIL is doing well. Is getting around the house better.
"Uncle Brian" a drawing by Natalie
My sister told me that she would send me the picture of the drawing Natalie had done... this is it.
We received it via email, about busted a gut laughing. I showed it to Uncle Brian, and he said that he needed a body and more muscles. So I texted her back and told her that it was OMG IS THAT CUTE!! Brian asked for some muscles next time!!
This is what came several minutes later .... this time with help from Mom of course.
Thanks Amy and Natalie for the laughs tonight!! We sure needed them for all that has been going on lately!
MIL Update
I just finished up the dishes from the supper I made. I love playing Betty Homemaker, helping and caring for people. Now I know what you people feel like when you are surviving on 3 hrs of sleep, and your agenda keeps flying past you.
Well, we are home. As in *we* - MIL is home. We left about 12:45 this afternoon, stopped and picked up my BIL & SIL.. and off to the hospital we went.
We got MIL in my Explorer, and back to home we came. I went home to take some groceries home (like we really needed any, as we are staying here for a few days, and leaving this weekend for my parents). But I came back and made us Spaghetti. I even made a plate for FIL as he is a picky eater, and he returned his plate to me all clean. (I was expecting him not to eat it, as MIL didn't prepare it for him.. big pat on the back for me!)
Well I'm going to finish up this post, and probably go and work on a little something I started yesterday, and hoped to have finished..... but something interrupted that finish.
Thanks to the ones that left a comment and the emails. Its wonderful to know that people care!
On the ride back, the guys were even asking MIL what she has planned for next year, as this is her 3rd breakage in the past 3 years.
If It Ain't Mine, It's His...
Brian went next door to find out how bad it was. Alittle later on, Brian came home asking me for the Ace bandage wrap. I said, well if its that bad, I better go check myself. I'm not a nurse, but having twisted my ankle several times in my life, I could make sure that everything was ok.
Found my MIL sitting in the chair with her foot propped up. Looking at it, her ankle was very swollen. I said that she needed ice, but I was told that her other son was going to bring some, but he had to wait alittle as he had to put it in the freeze. I just went to her freezer and pulled out a bag of chocolate chips and covered her ankle.
We were hem hawing about what to do. It was to the point where she was going to wait till tomorrow to go to the DR. And I said, I think you really should go today to get it checked out. That way if you have to get up during the night, you might fall and break something additional.
It got to the point I was in tears, and had to leave. I told Brian that I was sick of waiting for everyone else's opinions. And that she needed to go now. Just get an xray to find out what is going on.
My FIL has real bad dementia. My MIL is like his comfort blanket. He gets himself worked up so much, that she needs to be with him 24/7. (Read on.. read what happens) So FIL was telling MIL, oh, its not that bad. You can walk on it tomorrow. MIL asked FIL to get a pair of underwear out of the dresser in the bedroom, so she could change. I heard the request and watched FIL come back with a long sleeved white dress shirt, that is where I took over.
I was VERY proud of Brian. He stepped up and told both his parents that he was getting sick of this situation, and that Mom was going to the hospital with Kim to find out what is going on. Brian stayed with his dad, while I took MIL to the hospital.
We got seen, xrays taken. Guess what.. what we thought was a sprain was TWO BROKEN bones! Yep. She fell, and broke her ankle. And guess what the best part of it was... she was getting transported to another hospital for SURGERY!
There was no stopping at home. Off in the ambulance she went. I called Brian to inform him on the news. I wasn't going to let them know the outcome till she was in the ambulance and on the way.
She ended up having surgery last night at 10pm. Brian and I of course went to Rhinelander. Brian's nephew stayed with FIL. (Hold on that parts still coming).
Headed over to WalMart, did alittle Christmas shopping. She got out of surgery about midnight, and was put into a room at around 12:45am this morning. She has screws, pins, and wire holding her ankle together. We left the hospital alittle after 1am.
Brian and I got home about 2:30am. It was -17 degrees on our ride home. We came home, and have been at Inlaws house since 2:30 - Father inlaw was WIDE awake when we got here.. finally got him to settle down around 4am. Brian and I slept here, and we were woken by Brian's dad at 7 this morning.
So, I will be leaving shortly to go and get her from the hospital. And bring her home.
So we both are making it on 3 hrs today.
Just wanted to give you an update as to what is going on.
Water can be used as 'Prop 101'
Your thinking 'oh great'. Walk to the kitchen to investigate. And you find DH is holding on to the monitor of the laptop.
Seems there is a crack along the hinges, the part that connects the monitor to the body.
DH was thinking duct tape and super glue - I'm thinking
Solution to the problem... water jug.
So, for the past couple days, the water jug has been doing its job.
Calling tomorrow to find the fate of the fix.
Christmas Ornament Exchange
I LOVE how it turned out. I had a blast making it. For Julie, I had some gingerbread man fabric, so I made up a QSnap Hugger for her to grace her qsnap. :)
Girl's Quilt # 2 done
Catching up...
Christmas Edition of Getting To Know You
I have received this email a few times, so I thought I would include it on my blog, so everyone can see what my Christmas is like ...
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper & Gift bag for that odd shaped present to wrap.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree? Use to be the weekend of opening deer hunting... but I haven't put up a tree in the past two yrs, and this will be a third year.
4. When do you take the tree down? Before New Year's
5. Do you like eggnog? No.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Money!
7. Hardest person to buy for? A secret gift exchange
8. Easiest person to buy for? Myself... he he Actually Brian, as I know what he needs.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Those gifts that turn into white elephant gifts, the following year
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" - remember growing up watching the movie every year on tv. Two Christmas ago, my brother made a comment that was his favorite Christmas movie too - so last year I found it on DVD, and we watched it on Christmas Eve. Such memories!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? A few days before the gift giving.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Lefse, and pickled herring.
16. Lights on the tree? Clear - don't like colored lights on my tree.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Yes I will be traveling Christmas - to work! Plan is to go down the weekend before to celebrate Christmas with my family.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Whenever the family can get together.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Listening to Christmas songs since before Halloween.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Homespun/Primitive
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Having pizza with the family
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace in the World, but since I'm not going to get that. I just want a new electric blanket.
26. Who is most likely to respond to this? Hopefully everyone that sees this post :)