When I got the quilt to foster, it did have 7 of the completed blocks together, and I just finished 11 of them tonight. Showing in the picture is (almost) 18 blocks, well, you have to realize that there are 54 to be finished! So this quilt is going to be HUGE!

Actually have more to put together, just need to get them going, and it doesnt take much to sew, and iron. As I go along, Im going to have to make more of the units as I either didnt have enough paper, or for the one unit I didnt have enough material. Will post again, when I get more done. This part of the quilt is going to go fast as its more sewing together, rather than cutting everything out, trimming it down, and ironing.
Boy, that's a beautiful quilt!! And it will be HUGE! Great job Kim!
Hi Kim,
This is my first time blogging! Your quilts are beautiful. I really had no idea how talented you were. There's alot we don't know about the people we spend so much 'work' time with. Love and keep enjoying, Maryann
Kim, this is divine! I will try and dig up photos of my 2 storm at sea quilts to show you....need to give me a few days to do this! Well done, I can't wait to see this finished!
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